This raw cacao & brazil nut hemp slice with sour cherries has everything you want in a chocolate treat. It’s rich and decadent – yet not overpoweringly so. 

And the best part is it’s packed full of nutritious goodies, completely raw, dairy, gluten, grain and refined sugar-free, plant-based/vegan.

Makes: approximately 14 bars
Prep time: 30 minutes  Set time: 20 minutes

1 cup brazil nuts
1 cup hemp seeds
1/2 cup raw cacao powder
1/2 cup nut butter (e.g. peanut, almond, cashew)
1/2 cup pure maple syrup or rice syrup
pinch pink Himalayan salt

1 packet freeze-dried cherries (or any freeze-dried fruit of your choice)
250g Solomons Gold Dark Chocolate Pieces

Line a small brownie pan (18cm x 30cm or 20cm x 20cm) with baking paper.

Place the brazil nuts in a food processor and blend until you have coarse crumbs, or alternatively chop by hand to save on washing up! Put the nuts in a mixing bowl and set aside.

If you used a food processor for the nuts put the remaining base ingredients into the food processor and blend until smooth. Alternatively, place the ingredients into another mixing bowl and stir until well combined.

Add the brazil nuts to the chocolate mix and stir well to combine.

Press the mixture into the lined tin, then into the fridge to chill.

While the slice is chilling, melt the chocolate in a small bowl set over a pan of steaming water.

When the chocolate is melted, remove the slice from the fridge and sprinkle over the freeze-dried cherries. Drizzle generously with melted chocolate and return to the fridge to set for approximately 20 minutes.

Use a sharp knife to cut them into bars, and store in a sealed container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

Note: this slice won’t freeze well with the freeze-dried fruit on it so if you want to freeze it, do so before adding the topping.

This recipe was created by our friends at Swoon Food


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